Partner Information
Customer Information:
To apply for credit, please follow the link the apply for credit button below
To receive a statement, invoice, or ask a question about an invoice please email us
Our standard terms and conditions can be found here
Vendor information
APS processes accounts payable with AvidExchange. You can email invoices to aps@AvidBill.com or mail them to:
American Power Systems
P.O. Box 60482
Irvine, CA 92602
APS' preferred method of payment is ACH directly with our vendor partners. If you require a check or prefer to be paid via Avidxchange (fees apply), that is also an option.
If you have a question about the payment status of your invoice or to change how you are paid, please email us.
Insurance Certificate Requests
If you need proof of insurance, please email the following information:
Full legal name and address of Certificate Holder
Any required notes or comments for Additional Insured
Attach your Coverage Requirements.
Contact information for the certificate requestor